The Robert Walser Centre is planning three volumes containing the letters to and from Walser as a part of the Annotated Bernese Edition. This paper intends to demonstrate, with a few examples, the poetological meaning of addressing in Walser’s epistolography – which, jointly with the peculiarities of the transmission, requires conclusions in editorial practice. The addressing can as well provide a basis to theoretical considerations on the role of the editor in a literary communication system. After an introductory overview of the corpus, precise distinctions between four levels of the concept of addressing will be made. In the following, some first examples will show that even slight differences in addressing can be quite significant. Other examples to be examined will illustrate how Walser fictionalizes his addressees. It will, finally, become apparent that Walser’s autofiction actually dissolves the boundaries between epistolography and published oeuvre.
Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Stocker, Peter: Adressaten und Adressierungen in Robert Walsers Briefen und ihre editorische Behandlung in der Kommentierten Berner Ausgabe (KBA). < id=Adressaten_und_Adressierungen_in_Robert_Wa
lsers_Briefen> (Publiziert Februar 2016)
Stocker, Peter: Adressaten und Adressierungen in Robert Walsers Briefen und ihre editorische Behandlung in der Kommentierten Berner Ausgabe (KBA). In: Michael Stolz und Robert Schöller (Hg.): Germanistik in der Schweiz (GiS) Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik. Heft 9/2012. Bern: 2012, S.57-78