Apart from conventional reporting through mainstream mass media, a free particular communication space now exists on the Internet, which expresses the diversity of socio-political groups. In a time of economic and financial instability, the voices predicting a collapse of the economic and financial system are becoming louder. The website hartgeld.com is among those voices announcing a time of social chaos in Europe as a result of a possible end of the Euro zone and its currency. hartgeld.com is one of the 800 most visited websites in Germany and its audience is continuing to grow. Several times a week, this website offers reports and analyses on the global economic crisis, focusing on the responsibility of the European bureaucracy. In this state of affairs, its discourse is a blend of right-wing rhetoric and populist ideas.
Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Grass, Thierry: Das Euro-Ende. Eine Diskursanalyse der Website von hartgeld.com. <http://www.germanistik.ch/publikation.php? id=Das_Euro_Ende> (Publiziert März 2013)
Grass, Thierry: Das Euro-Ende. Eine Diskursanalyse der Website von hartgeld.com. In: Michael Stolz, Laurent Cassagnau, Daniel Meyer und Nathalie Schnitzer (Hg.): Germanistik in der Schweiz (GiS) Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik. Heft 10/2013. Bern: germanistik.ch 2013, S.197-207