This article discusses new ways of reading medieval manuscripts in the age of electronic technologies. I focus on the Charrette Project, a multimedia scholarly archive devoted to Chrétien de Troyes's Chevalier de la Charrette (ca. 1180). I begin with a brief overview of the project, which includes images of the eight manuscripts of Chrétien's romance, detailed diplomatic transcriptions, as well as linguistic and poetic databases. I then explore how such tools might be applied to read Chrétien's romance in a new way, by examining the link between poetry, performance, and punctuation in the manuscript tradition.
Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Murray, Sarah-Jane: Medieval Scribes, Modern Scholars. Reading 'Le Chevalier de la Charrette' in the Twenty-First Century. < id=Medieval_Scribes_Modern_Scholars> (Publiziert Oktober 2005)
Murray, Sarah-Jane: Medieval Scribes, Modern Scholars. Reading 'Le Chevalier de la Charrette' in the Twenty-First Century. In: Michael Stolz, Lucas Marco Gisi u. Jan Loop (Hg.): Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft auf dem Weg zu den neuen Medien. Bern: 2005 (Literaturwissenschaft und neue Medien)