It is generally known that the Modernist literature of the early 20th century is characterized by unsettlement and fragmentation of the assured and enlightened self. The current paper provides an investigation of a German and a French novel – both from the late 20th century – with regard to how the postmodern literature that features the so called «Wiederkehr des Erzählens» addresses the problematic category of subjectivity. It will become evident that, in spite of modern commotion, ‹La secte des Égoïstes› (1994) and ‹Agnes› (1998), respectively the first novel of Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt and that of Peter Stamm, claim radically the self of their narrators as the centre of the narration. Nevertheless, the first-person narrator can impossibly return to a pre-modern naïve self-certainty. They rather enmesh themselves – each in its own way – through their psychological centralism in a postmodern solipsism of sorts, which equates, due to the missing exchange with you, eventually the lost of self. Schmitt introduces hereby a metafictional-epistemic view onto the old debate on the identity and authenticity of self, while Stamm’s approach to it inheres in cultural history and media theories.
Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Klimek, Sonja: Postmoderner Solipsismus. Ãœber den psychischen Zentralismus in ‹La secte des Égoïstes› (1994) von Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt und ‹Agnes› (1998) von Peter Stamm. < id=Postmoderner_Solipsismus> (Publiziert März 2013)
Klimek, Sonja: Postmoderner Solipsismus. Über den psychischen Zentralismus in ‹La secte des Égoïstes› (1994) von Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt und ‹Agnes› (1998) von Peter Stamm. In: Michael Stolz, Laurent Cassagnau, Daniel Meyer und Nathalie Schnitzer (Hg.): Germanistik in der Schweiz (GiS) Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik. Heft 10/2013. Bern: 2013, S.431-438