Die Reportage Egon Erwin Kischs - germanistik.ch
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von Christophe Dumas

Die Reportage Egon Erwin Kischs

Eine Randerscheinung im literarischen Diskurs?

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By questioning the notion of the very literariness of reportage, this study examines the existing relationship between literature and the concept of reportage defined and implemented by Kisch. Are we dealing with a marginal discourse of literature as we generally conceive it? Is the attribute literary in terms of reportage not a sign for the distance that separates it from traditional journalistic reportage? In order to understand better the place of this special genre with respect to the norms of literary production, we will have a closer look on the concept of reportage as it occurs in Kisch’s literary praxis and in his few theoretical writings by taking into considera-tion the context in which his texts were published at the same time.

Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Dumas, Christophe: Die Reportage Egon Erwin Kischs. Eine Randerscheinung im literarischen Diskurs?. <http://www.germanistik.ch/publikation.php? id=Die_Reportage_Egon_Erwin_Kischs> (Publiziert März 2013)
Dumas, Christophe: Die Reportage Egon Erwin Kischs. Eine Randerscheinung im literarischen Diskurs?. In: Michael Stolz, Laurent Cassagnau, Daniel Meyer und Nathalie Schnitzer (Hg.): Germanistik in der Schweiz (GiS) Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Akademischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik. Heft 10/2013. Bern: germanistik.ch 2013, S.379-386

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