This paper presents three main topics. First, the history and the development of the application Pinakes ( within some projects of the documentary history of science. Secondly the problems concerning the difficulties of establishing the documentary history research as a discipline as well as the problems of recognizing Computing and the Humanities as a university career. Third the theoretical background resulting from the attempt of intersecting the reasoning methods of the humanities and those of the computer sciences.
Zitieren Sie diesen Beitrag bitte wie folgt:
Scotti, Andrea: Pinakes: Structuring and Destructuring Dokumentation in the Humanities. A Project for Modeling Data in History Research. < id=Pinakes_Structuring_and_Destructuring_Doku
mentation> (Publiziert Oktober 2005)
Scotti, Andrea: Pinakes: Structuring and Destructuring Dokumentation in the Humanities. A Project for Modeling Data in History Research. In: Michael Stolz, Lucas Marco Gisi u. Jan Loop (Hg.): Literatur und Literaturwissenschaft auf dem Weg zu den neuen Medien. Bern: 2005 (Literaturwissenschaft und neue Medien)